Discografía completa de The White Stripes

Full discography The White Stripes

Discografía completa de The White Stripes

Origen / Origin: USA
Géneros / Genres: Blues Rock, Garage Rock


The White Stripes - The White Stripes (1999) 320kbps
The White Stripes - The White Stripes (1999) 320kbps

The White Stripes - De Stijl (2000) 320kbps
The White Stripes - De Stijl (2000) 320kbps

The White Stripes - White Blood Cells (2001) 320kbps
The White Stripes - White Blood Cells (2001) 320kbps

The White Stripes - Elephant (2003) 320kbps
The White Stripes - Elephant (2003) 320kbps

The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan (2005) 320kbps
The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan (2005) 320kbps

The White Stripes - Icky Thump (2007) 320kbps
The White Stripes - Icky Thump (2007) 320kbps